About Me

Im an educator, campaigner, writer and survivor of Leukaemia, i will stand up for justice and freedom.....I may not agree with your opinion but oh my god will i defend your right to have it....i also love make up,food and entertainment......

23 December 2008

im back

asalam u alaikum

Its been a while since i posted, in that time i managed to get back to university and do a bit more work on my research degree. but 2008 was tough as my leukaemia returned and i spent most of my time having treatment.
but alhamdulilah i think the illness is over and i am looking forward to posting more regularly.

1 comment:

WalkWith Aisha said...

salaam, its aisha paracha .I'm not sure if you would remember me but you actually taught me back in al risalaa your 1st year 11 class? Just came across your blog. Obviously this is a great struggle for you but i pray that you get well. With lots of duaas.Aisha xx

welcome to my world

thanks for visiting come back soon.......
